Desáté experimentální VLF vysílání – DK7FC

DK7FC´s 10th VLF kite experiment

Nejdůležitější informace k připravované akci ( převzato z dopisu DK7FC):

The main part (information) of Stefan´s letter:

Dear LF/VLF group and other interested listeners/watchers, After a break of 2 months i will do my next VLF kite experiment on sunday, 6th februrary 2011. I've got the permission to fly a 300m kite vertical antena in daylight. My plan is to start early in the morning, coming on air at about 7 UTC. … If the wind, interest and my personal energy holds on i will be transmitting from 7...16:30 UTC. TX power will be 550 W. Depending on the soil humidity this will result in up to 100 mW ERP on 8970 Hz. As usual, my TX location ist JN49IS36VH … If all works well i'll try to reach the following goals: -Transmitting a constant carrier for about 1 hour (GPS locked) at 8970.00000 Hz at full power (it's always full power! ;-) ), hoping to leave a strong trace at several curious VLF receivers :-) -Transmitting a message in DFCW-600 at 8970 Hz to give a better ID and to keep the activity interesting -Trying a DFCW-3 crossband QSO with DF6NM on 9/137 kHz at 179 km ( -Transmitting a short message in DFCW-10 for well equipped stations in a range of some 100km. Just to check how far DFCW-10 can be detected -Maybe trying a CW QSO with DF8ZR in 16km distance (who strongly improved his station) -QSY to 5170 Hz / 58km or maybe 6470 Hz, depending on the feedback and the diurnal noise situation -Transmitting a carrier and some shifted DFCW-600 letters to give better ID. -Spontaneous tests depending on request, wind situation, QRN and personal energy …

(REM: Thanks for all INFO Stefan!)

The morning / afternoon graph of S/N ratio, 8970Hz

8970Hz, DFCW600

8970Hz, DFCW600, peak

CQ DK7FC, 8970Hz / DFCW3

X-band QSO DK7FC and DF6NM, 8970Hz/137kHz, DFCW3

5170Hz, DFCW600

8970Hz, DFCW10